
One of the tasks we ask of our clients in the early stages of planning, before a web design project is underway, is to choose font for your...

Google Chrome developers console is used to perform a whole range of functions when creating your website. Such as improving your website speed and performance through insights and...

What is an SEO Audit? Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is an important way to market your business online. Therefore ensuring that your target audience is finding your products and...

At Primal Space we place a high importance on project management within design as we work through the process of building your new website. Developing a plan from...

So you've embarked on a journey of launching a new website design for your organisation. One of the first stages on the road to development, is to provide...

How Important are Images on My Website? This is a question we're often asked by our clients. And the answer is always the same - Hugely important! Why we hear...

At Primal Space digital agency, we use website screenshots a lot when communicating with our clients. Particularly over email, as well as communicating ideas within our team. Annotated...

*This post was updated in June 2020 to offer a more comprehensive guide to navigating your WordPress admin area. This WordPress admin user guide has been written for the...