Business As Usual At Primal Space
Despite the Covid-19 outbreak sweeping the globe. We wanted to take this opportunity to reassure our clients that it’s business as usual here at Primal Space. Our operating hours remain the same. We are here to help you with anything your organisation may need at this difficult time.
Our team benefit from a remote working environment, and always have done. So our operations at the moment are completely unaffected. Despite everything that’s going on around us. Live development projects are still continuing as normal. We have been busy in recent days providing lots of client websites with specific Coronavirus related updates. Whether that be a pop-up or link to a blog post like this one. We’re safe and well, behind closed doors. Staying out of the way of those who need to be outside to do their job effectively, keeping people safe and healthy.
Do reach out to us if you need us at all, using all the usual methods of communication. Any face to face client meetings through March and April will be postponed. However phone calls and video meetings through Skype, Zoom or Google Hangouts are still available as needed, just contact us to schedule.
Stay safe, be kind to one another and help those in need wherever possible.
See the NHS website for latest updates on expert advice – Coronavirus NHS Advice
We have created this page shown below for our client the Edinburgh & Lothians Health Foundation, appealing for immediate donations to the NHS Lothian, to aid with support to help the fight against the Covid-19 appeal – Please look to donate anything your organisation can afford at this time to help purchase equipment, technology or support the staff and patients.