WordPress Website Design for Winchburgh Community Council


In August 2019 Primal Space launched the new WordPress website design for Winchburgh Community Council. The goals of the new website were to replace an older, outdated design. The client was looking for a functional, modern, well thought out web space that would allow the user to view important information and announcements. Social integration was also a requirement. As well as a contact form allowing users to get in touch as desired.

During the planning stages we opted for a minimal design utilising the use of white space. Allowing the clients content to take centre stage. Keeping in with the request of being clean and modern and easy to follow we created a new sitemap that had a clearer structure than that of the existing website. While using vibrant imagery of the local area as headers for each of the five pages.

Primal Space provided the client with content writing services as part of the build. Presenting the text for each page in shorter blocks, as opposed to long passages of text. Therefore, offering a more enjoyable user experience. We also utilised relevant call to actions, allowing the user to move around the website with ease. Furthermore, we created a blog area which could be updated with the monthly meeting minutes. This pulls into the header carousel on the homepage and a is a key feature within the design. A Twitter feed is also integrated within the homepage, ensuring that announcements are always present and accessible.

As a final phase of the project we provided graphic design services, creating a logo for Winchburgh Community Council that drew inspiration from the local area. Visual Composer drives the content in the admin area. Therefore, allowing the client to easily update their site ongoing. Adding new pages and content as required.

Primal Space provide the client with website hosting. As well as website support on-going.

The Winchburgh Community Council are delighted with their new website which will support the growth and development of the local community for many years to come.

  • Primal Space
    Creative Website Design
  • Primal Space
    WordPress Driven
  • Primal Space
    Content Writing
  • Primal Space
    Graphic Design
  • Primal Space
    Mobile Accessibility
  • Primal Space
    Contact Form
  • Primal Space
    SEO Preparation
  • Primal Space
    UX Consultation
  • Primal Space
    Support & Maintenance

Client Testimonial

Primal Space recently created the new website for Winchburgh Community Council. We are absolutely delighted with how the site has turned out and can’t say enough about how easy they were to work with in terms of agreeing on the design and feel of the site, and how quickly they were able to turn our requests around. If any more local firms or Community Councils were looking to build a new look site, then I would have no hesitation in recommending Primal Space to them.

Graham, Secretary @ Winchburgh Community Council

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